On Tuesday, June 8th, which is World Ocean Day, we’d like to invite you to meet up with others to brainstorm and take action for helping with the oil spill.
Join or Host an Oil Spill Meetup on June 8th
On Tuesday, June 8th, people accross the country are stepping up to
organize and attend hundreds of Oil Spill Meetups — and we hope you’ll
…be among them.
June 8th will mark 50 days since BP started spewing oil into the
Gulf, and we’ll be bringing together our friends & neighbors to
show that we’re fed up with our addiction to dangerous fossil fuels,
and ready to switch to clean, safe energy.
These Meetups are a great opportunity to brainstorm local actions,
hold a vigil, call your Members of Congress, plan a Hands Across the
Sand event for June 26, or anything else that brings your friends,
family and others together and shows our leaders that we’re taking
action, and we expect them to as well.
To find a meet up near you go to http://www.meetup.com/HuffPostGreen/